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Ron Doggett

Ronald Gilford Doggett
Ronald Gilford Doggett (L - in black hat)(Image courtesy of Flickr)
Home BaseGlen Allen, Virginia 23060
Phone(804) 285-3917 (home)
Phone 2(804) 357-5453 (cell)
Published ByOPP HQ
Published OnNovember 30, 2015

Back in 2006 there were a series of rallies for Ernst Zündel held at Canadian Consulates across the country. Of them, only two were met my counter-protests. The one held in Washington D.C. proved to be particularly volatile. Over sixty antifascists made life hell for the nine Nazis who came out to do their bonehead thing. One of them was Ron Doggett, and we have been running into him for years.

Our history with him began with the American Renaissance Conference held in 2000, where on a list of names we had copied from name tags, his makes an appearance. Then on Nov. 10, 2001, we videotaped him trying to lead people into chants at National Alliance’s Israeli Embassy protest. In fact, we see him at just about every rally in the DC area. This is all Doggett knows, and that has been the case for 25 years. It was just a few years ago when he stopped producing his white power public access program Race and Reality. Ron has been a resident of Richmond, VA all of his life and works as a landscaper for the past 17 years at the Davey Tree Co., which has locations throughout Virginia.

He got into WP circles at age 17 when according to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) bio on him, he joined the Klan after reading a newspaper published by David Duke. He has been tight with Duke ever since, inviting him to Richmond a number of times, defending him even after he pled guilty to mail fraud charges and joining his organizations, the National Association for the Advancement of White People, and currently the European Rights Organization (EURO). He also has been a unit leader of the White Patriot Party (WPP), a paramilitary, Christian Identity faction of the Ku Klux Klan founded by Glenn Miller that with funds obtained from the $3.6 million that was stolen in armored truck heists committed by Bob Matthews and his group the Order, campaigned for a white homeland in the south. Morris Dees and the SPLC had this group shut down after a number of years of the WPP, particularly Miller, harassing him, culminating in a plot to assassinate Dees. When Miller was convicted of threatening Dees, he struck a deal and testified against 13 of his old pals. Because if this, Miller is seen as a traitor, but Doggett still supports him. In 2010, Doggett made donations to Miller’s Senate campaign.

In the 1990s, Doggett moved on to the National Alliance and started to get his name out there more. He was a unit leader for them when he was invited to speak before the National Capital Region chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens. He also attended the American Renaissance conference in 2000 in Reston, VA, where one also could see Doggett’s old friend David Duke and the late John Schmidt, a former congressman who biggest claim to fame was being the father of Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher who had an affair with her then 13 year-old Samoan student, producing two children and a seven year jail sentence before marrying him. Doggett like being in the spotlight – or at least very close to it. In the 1990s he produced the aforementioned public access program called Race and Reality, which featured a number of figures from the WP scene. In February of 2001, Doggett testified to the Virginia Senate Rules Committee in defense of maintaining the state’s unconstitutional law against interracial marriage. He has also managed to pull off some interesting publicity stunts, like in 2001 when he convinced then-Gov. Jim Gilmore to declare May “European American Heritage and History Month” When Gilmore learned through news reports that Doggett was part of David Duke’s crew, he rescinded the proclamation, saying, “My aims and goals as governor of Virginia are 180 degrees different from theirs.” That pissed Doggett off, who said this was a betrayal because “European-Americans are the only racial group that votes Republican.” Although the Zündel Rally in February 2005 featured a number of people including Doggett that have been at one time identified as National Alliance, it was stressed by those participants a number of times that this was not a National Alliance event. There might have been a reason for this. Many of those persons have since bolted from the group.

Doggett left some time before, fed up with the BS that came out after the death of its founder William Pierce. He was strictly EURO afterwards, but when the new group National Vanguard was formed he was among those who reportedly signed on. National Vanguard fell apart after its founder Kevin Alfred Strom went to jail in 2008 on charges of possessing child pornography. In recent years, Doggett has been pushing Congressman Ron Paul to his fellow white supremacists on various discussion boards, and on April 17, 2010 was one of three white supremacists that came out for a failed Klan rally outside the South African embassy in Washington, DC to protest the murder of South African neo-Nazi Eugene Terre’Blance. He can be seen often at right-wing rallies in and around Richmond, VA