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Aryan Guard

Aryan Guard
Aryan Guard Logo
Aryan Guard Logo
  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada

These guys don’t seem to have much relevance these days. The last thing written about them in the present tense goes back to 2009. Still, this is something we will keep around in case either they show up again, or their members do in other capacities.

The Aryan Guard began in late in 2006, and while there didn’t appear to be a single leader, the gang was founded by Kyle McKee primarily, there are some well known Western Canadian neo-Nazis who have joined the group, first and foremost being Bill Noble. After Noble’s Fort St. John apartment was raided by B.C. police he moved to Edmonton, Alberta in part to avoid a future arrest. During this time he made contact with other Edmonton Neo-Nazis including Glenn Bahr and Nathan Touchette, rooming with both on different occasions. He was also spotted at the University of Alberta campus in a building where Richard Warman was giving a speech on Internet hate. Noble was eventually arrested in early 2006 for violation of section 319. His trial ended a couple of weeks ago with the verdict coming down in February 2008. In the meantime Noble began his own political party (with a membership of one) before throwing his support behind Terry Tremaine and his National-Socialist Party of Canada.

Photo taken before distributing hate propaganda in Lethbridge, Alberta
Photo taken before distributing hate propaganda in Lethbridge, Alberta

Noble isn’t the only notable neo-Nazi who is a member of the Aryan Guard, a membership claimed to be around 20 individuals. Another person, also a friend of Nathan Touchette, is Kyle McKee who posts as pitbull-A.G. on Stormfront. McKee made the news a few years ago when he and Touchette began flying the Nazi flag over their shared apartment in Kitchener, Ontario. When both made it known that they planned on moving to Calgary to work in the city’s booming construction industry, Calgary mayor Dave Bronconnier announced through the media that both men were not welcome. Both McKee and Touchette came anyways, but their stay didn’t last long. Touchette went back to Ontario within a few months, returned to Alberta to live in Edmonton, then left that city under a cloud of suspicion regarding a number of assaults and arson. McKee was arrested for assault, possession of a weapon, and wearing a mask in committing his crime and spent a number of months in an Alberta jail; upon release he to went back to Ontario. However, he did eventually return to Calgary, impregnated his 16 year old girlfriend Jackie, and helped to found the Aryan Guard.

Though it was organized in late 2006 the Aryan Guard has been truly active since March 21, 2007 when they had their first official meeting, the first of a number of scheduled for the year as listed on their website, the domain registration being in Noble’s name.

December, 2007 Christmas party

Predictably their April meeting was on 20th to commemorate the birthday of Adolf Hitler. They held two meeting in June, one on the 16th to listen to guest speaker Ontario neo-Nazi leader and fired high school teacher Paul Fromm. While they do have a meeting scheduled for August 19, a number of Aryan Guard members headed to rally and camp-out between August 4 – 6 organized by disgraced former University of Saskatchewan lecturer Terry Tremaine. Among the Aryan Guard members in attendance were Noble, McKee, Dallas Price (wpcalgary on Stormfront), John Marleau, Thomas Trenerry (“Canadian caucasian” and “IHateCommies” on Stormfront), Tyler Lupkoski, and a number of other members and supporters.

Aryan Guard members had been putting up fliers prior to August 14, 2007 blaming minorities for committing multiple crimes in the city, however it was on August 14 that the media really began paying attention. The tabloid, “The Calgary Sun” published a short article on the hate group’s efforts in the city and attributed the fliers to Noble since the Simon Wiesenthal Center have noted them as his handiwork. They were also the subjects of reports on the local news on at least four occasions since then. Later on August 25 members of the Aryan Guard staged a counter rally when anti-racists organized a protest concerning the activities of the gang. The Aryan Guard was vastly outnumbered by those opposing them.

As evident by their discussion on Stormfront, the Calgary racists couldn’t be more pleased with the public attention believing that any publicity is good publicity. Paul Fromm has also added his voice to the discussion:

“Of course, it’s poorly screened immigrants behind many recent violent crimes in Calgary. Note how Leo Adler and the Wisenthalers define “hate” — it’s dissent from the multicult agenda.”

Paul Fromm and the Aryan Guard (December 2007)
Paul Fromm and the Aryan Guard (December 2007)

In August 2008 the gang has became more active and more brazen. As of the updating of this article, the Aryan Guard has been involved in a number of pulic rallies, the most recent taking place on March 21, 2008 when 40 or more Aryan Guard members and their neo-Nazi and Klan allies faced off against more than 200 anti-racists. In December 2007 Paul Fromm made his second visit to Calgary to meet with Aryan Guard members. There has recently been talk of expanding into other Canadian provinces and the United States. While this all might be simply bravado on their part, it is something that needs to be monitored and dealt with should the time come.

While they might be happy with the attention now, we suspect that they won’t be happy very soon. We’re going to look at this quote by Fromm and look at members of the Aryan Guard. It will be evident to everyone that it isn’t just “poorly screened immigrants” who are behind violent crimes in Calgary.

We will be adding more pictures and updates on other individuals who associate with the Aryan Guard. In the meantime, we’ll start with the core of the group as we know now.


John Marleau

a.k.a: bon89. John Richard, jagermeister88

Loud and extremely obnoxious, at the March 21, 2008 rally where the Aryan Guard was confronted by anti-racist activists, Marleau needled Bonnie Collins who’s home had recently been hit by a firebomb, a crime where links to the Aryan Guard are suspected:

21/03/08: How’s your house, Bonnie? Is it nice and toasty in there? How’s Jason and the kids?

What can we say? He’s a mensch.

Marleau has participated in most known Aryan Guard gatherings, marches, and protest. Formerly of Winnipeg, Marleau moved to Calgary but is now living in Lethbridge, AB. He also had a thing for Dallas Price’s girlfriend and feels that Price screwed him over. In reality he really didn’t have a chance.

UPDATE: Marleau appears to no longer be a member of the Aryan Guard. We don’t know the reasons entirely, but it might stem from his general dickishness. He’s also in a very heated dispute with Tom Trenerry who has accused Marleau of theft. In fact, as of October Marleau was expecting to be going to jail on unrelated charges, but these charges appear now to have been dropped.

Brent Goldring

a.k.a: Canadian1488; 14ryder88

Truth in advertising? Goldring has a tattoo across his forehead that reads, “Racist.” (Not to be confused with the American idiot Josh Steever, who does as well)

Goldring has participated in most known Aryan Guard gatherings, marches, and protest.

Robert Reitmeier

a.k.a: German_Pride; agrenegade

Likes to hang around girls quite a bit younger than him. Oh, and he’s spent time behind bars on charges of attempted murder.

Reitmeier is known to have attended the Aryan Guard December 22, 2007 gathering as well and the March 21, 2008 march.

LINKS: http://www.gov.calgary.ab.ca/citybeat/public/2006/12/release.20061207_112204_21671_0

UPDATE: Reitmeier was the victim of a shooting which resulted in life threatening injuries on September 5, 2008.

That Reitmeier was the victim in this case of a violent attack is without question, but the circumstances surrounding the case are still a mystery. Why was Reitmeier shot? Was the perpetrator a gun runner as has been claimed by the original source for this story? Why did Reitmeier, if the Calgary Herald article is correct, wait as long as three hours before seeking medical assistance and reporting the shooting to the police? Did Reitmeier provide accurate information about his assailant(s)?

On September 16, 2008, Brazilian student Jose Ribamar Ribeiro Neto was shot as he and his girlfriend left a restaurant and were walking along Centre Street. Ribeiro, an innocent bystander, survived but has been permanently blinded in the attack. A suspect with a long record that includes weapons, drug, and attempted murder convictions, was arrested on September 19, 2008. Roland Ashley Warawa has also been charged in the shooting that took place in early September (an older picture of Warawa from 1997 can be seen here.

The shooting of Robert Reitmeier.

Again, IF the Calgary Herald article is true, then could Reitmeier’s delay of up to three hours in seeking medical attention for his serious injuries and notifying the authorities about the attempt on his life might have made the difference between Warawa’s capture before the shooting of Ribeiro ever took place and Warawa’s escape to be able to commit future violent assaults? This is admittedly a speculative question on our part.

Warawa has been charged with, among other things, two counts of attempted murder. Ironically, Reitmeier himself was charged with attempted murder late in 2006.


Jason Harley

a.k.a: harley420, harley1488

A punk who has devolved into a bonehead. Has films of himself shouting “white power” (we thought it was supposed to be about white pride and not supremacy, guys, unless you, oh my goodness, lied to us) and playing with his pussy. We mean his cat. He loves him his cat.

Harley has participated in most known Aryan Guard gatherings, marches, and protest.


Mitch Fancey

a.k.a: 14Konig88

You know the stories about ufo abductions and the description of the aliens? Tell us that Mitch doesn’t resemble a Gray. Put him in dark sunglasses, drop him off in Roswell, and he’d create a sensation not experienced in the town since 1947.

Fancey has participated in most known Aryan Guard gatherings, marches, and protest.


Tyler Lupkoski

a.k.a: ARYAN BROTHER FOREVER; iseektruth; A.G.88

Originally from Kelowna, BC, then Edmonton, AB and now in Calgary. Big and dumb. Another paragon of the traditional family values supported in writing by the Aryan Guard, Lupkoski cheated on his girlfriend leading to her dumping his ass. Good for her! Oh, she went back to him? Well, maybe she isn’t so bright either.

Lupkoski has participated in most known Aryan Guard gatherings, marches, and protest.


Next we provide information on those who support and are associated with the ideas of the Aryan Guard. These may be friends or Aryan Guard hopefuls. Many of these individuals have appeared at Aryan Guard organized marches:


James Brooks

a.k.a: aryanpride1488

Has been seen hanging out with Goldring and Reitmeier.


Rick Rushton



Brytny Strohwald

Dating Reitmeier. Attended the March 21, 2008 march in Calgary.


Tyler Sturrup

Not someone you want to stand beside during a lightning storm. Attended the March 21, 2008 march in Calgary. Spent time in jail in April and May, 2008 and was back in jail as of August 2008.


Caila Ann Skiboff

McKee’s co-star in the sex pictures and reported video. Funny how quiet she’s been lately. Attended the October 14, 2007 protest in Calgary.